mostly marketing bullshit. You can absolutely get a clean safe smooth shave off a single blade, millions of people do it every single day. I believe the main idea of multiple blades is that one pass can cut the hair with the first or second blade and the following blades supposedly cut the remaining stubble to get a closer shave in one go. But a safety razor with an angle and blade that works well for you will also cut very clean and close. Disposable multiblade razors and razors with replaceable multiblade cartridges make a lot of money because it is very easy to make a piece of cheap plastic with 4 thin strips of metal on the cheap but your proprietary handle can only fit your blades so they can charge a decent profit margin on them and you just have to deal with it. So there is a big incentive to market their proprietary and disposable stuff as better. Safety razors can be a bit more hassle to use but are super cheap over the coarse of a lifetime of shaving.
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