Why is mouthwash bad for oral health? Or is that holistic medicine voodoo instagram science?


Why is mouthwash bad for oral health? Or is that holistic medicine voodoo instagram science?

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s skip mouth wash and jump right into holistic medicine… It makes the assumption that treating a person is better than treating an individual symptom or system.

Mouthwash might be bad for you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s skip mouth wash and jump right into holistic medicine… It makes the assumption that treating a person is better than treating an individual symptom or system.

Mouthwash might be bad for you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s skip mouth wash and jump right into holistic medicine… It makes the assumption that treating a person is better than treating an individual symptom or system.

Mouthwash might be bad for you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alcohol damages cells. When cells regrow there’s a chance for cancer. Constantly killing and forcing new cells increases cancer risk. That’s my basic understanding

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alcohol damages cells. When cells regrow there’s a chance for cancer. Constantly killing and forcing new cells increases cancer risk. That’s my basic understanding

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alcohol damages cells. When cells regrow there’s a chance for cancer. Constantly killing and forcing new cells increases cancer risk. That’s my basic understanding

Anonymous 0 Comments

Talk to you dentist about it, he or she is an educated individual. The alcohol in the mouthwash is necessary to fight potential infection but there is a slight oral cancer risk. Maybe your dentist can recommend a mouthwash that does not have much alcohol in it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Talk to you dentist about it, he or she is an educated individual. The alcohol in the mouthwash is necessary to fight potential infection but there is a slight oral cancer risk. Maybe your dentist can recommend a mouthwash that does not have much alcohol in it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Talk to you dentist about it, he or she is an educated individual. The alcohol in the mouthwash is necessary to fight potential infection but there is a slight oral cancer risk. Maybe your dentist can recommend a mouthwash that does not have much alcohol in it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s some truth to it.

Not everybody’s mouth is the same, and not all mouthwashes are the same.

I’m susceptible to gingivitis and gingival recession – literally, my gums slowly retreating away from my teeth in response to bacterial and chemical onslaughts. My dentist and periodontist tell me that adding alcohol-free mouthwash to my daily brushing and flossing helps wipe out more bacteria than brushing&flossing alone, which helps keep my gums healthy. On the other hand, an alcohol-based mouthwash would be too harsh and irritate my gums and dry my mouth out, which would be bad in their own ways.

For someone without my predispositions, using alcohol-based mouthwash daily might be less harmful or perfectly fine.