why is necessary to keep water running when running disposal?


why is necessary to keep water running when running disposal?

In: Technology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Burns up the motor without it. It won’t ruin the motor if you do a small burst but overtime using the disposal without water will burn it up. I believe this is mainly because the water add fluidity to the stuff your disposing of making it easier to grind it all up thus making life easier for the motor long term. Im a carpenter not a plumber though so I may be missing something.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So the food bits don’t just stay mushed against the wall of the disposal and rot.

Unless you’re into sewer-smelling kitchens that is.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To cool and lubricate the grinder, and to wash off the screen inside. A garbage disposal basically grinds stuff up until it can pass through a sieve so anything that hinders that process will wear the system.

Anonymous 0 Comments

some modern disposals can run for a very very long time without any water. perhaps indefinitely, though eventually without airflow under the cabinet, heat soak might be a problem. The water is a great heat sink otherwise.

But if you putting food down the disposal, something needs to flush it through the system.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine somehow turning off your saliva glands and then trying to eat something. You’d have a terrible time and it would be very difficult. Saliva acts as a lubricant and allows the food to slide down your throat. Water does the same thing in a sink disposal.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cause you need something non solid to get it to move through the drain. The disposal is just a blender in your sink that chops food up. Still need to rinse that shit down..

Anonymous 0 Comments

Part of it is that the water is what flushes out the ground up mush. If you ran the disposal dry, it would just mash everything up and leave it in the disposal to rot and/or seize the blades when it dries out.