Why is obsidian used for so many weapons even though it is very fragile?


I’ve been coming across videos of people breaking obsidian chunks to make arrowheads but could never find the answer why it could be broken with light hits with a rock, and then not break when in use with said weapon.

In: 564

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It might not break because flesh is softer than rock so an obsidian axe can last multiple hits. Also arrows don’t necessarily need to be reused so being sharp outweighs it’s brittleness.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The truth is: it’s not.

Some Stone Age peoples who had plentiful access to it used it a lot, most did not, or only found it in such small supply it was used ornamentally or ceremonially.

Just cause people do it a lot on niche YouTube hobby channels doesn’t mean that reflect real world or historic usage.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Becuse obsidian is UNBELIEVABLY sharp, like can have an edge with the width of a single molecule kinda sharp, and if you live in a area with a lot of volcanic activity [think South America, The Mediterranean and Japan] its quite easy to find