why is pizza considered unhealthy?


I know this sounds pretty dumb but I honestly don’t understand. Tomato sauce, good. Cheese, good. Toppings such as pepperoni or mushrooms, goood! It seems like it should be at least considered ok but it’s on most health blacklists

In: Other

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Theres alot of misunderstanding between unhealthy and unhealthy.

There are two types.

1: Calorie Content.

Calories are a way to meassure energy, just like meters or feet is a way to meassure distance. Your body burns a set amount of energy daily. If you eat more energy than you burn, your body will save that as fat for later use, and you gain weight. if you eat less energy than you burn, your body will still need the energy, and will burn the fat you stored earlier, and you lose weight.

2: Nutrient Content.

Wether the food contains the nutrients you need, or compounds that are harmful for you. This is unrelated to weight-gain. This is all about wether the stuff you eat has vitamins and minerals. Or the bacteris your body needs. Wether the fats are saturated or unsaturated. This decides wether your body can keep its processes going. Like the immunesystem, or digestion, or hydration.

Now often times, unhealthy compounds go hand in hand with high calorie content. Fat is very high in energy, and chips contains lot of bad fat. Therefor chips make you gain weight, and also gives you bad nutrition.

A tomato has lots of vitamins, but vitamins are not burned for energy. So a tomato will have a hard time making you gain weight, while at the same time giving you lots of nutrition.


Not all fats are bad. Nuts contain a ton of fat, but its good fat. It also contains alot of other nutrients. Nuts for all intents and purposes are very healthy. But they contain a ton of energy. 200 grams of nuts contains more calories than 200 grams of chips or chocolate. They are healthy, but you gain weight very easily from them

Pizza is similar. The stuff on the pizza is usually healthy stuff, the thing is that there is alot of it. So lots of calories. You get nutrition from it, but also weight gain. So eating a pizza every now and then is not unhealthy, but several times a week will lead to weight gain.

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