Why is recycling items made of cardboard so essential when they will degrade anyway?


Why is recycling items made of cardboard so essential when they will degrade anyway?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You are using them again, saving the use of other materials to make new cardboard. All forms of recycling prolongs things and saves us using up raw materials unnecessarily. That is why we do it for anything we recycle. Eventually something will get to the point where it can’t be used again, but we will have got better use out of it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They aren’t re-used, they are processed to paper pulp and new cardboard is made from it, thus reducing the need for using trees.

If it’s too bad to even be used for that, it’s burned for heat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Aside from the reuse thing mentioned in the other comments, if you’re asking why we bother to recycle instead of just letting it rot then its most likely because the process isnt instantaneous. If you put cardboard in the dirt it will break down rapidly but only compared to plastics which take an eternity to break down. Plus theres so many additives in that shit to make it not breakdown in water. its like a piece of paper. Made of wood so it Should be completely fine for the earth right? Nah, its bleached to hell to look white instead of natural so thats just leeching everywhere.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Paper and cardboard is made from tree fibers that are processed. You can pretty much use the same process to take old paper and break it down into fibers again and make new paper. That way you don’t have to chop down more trees.