Why is resin casting more prone to bubbles than other materials?


Why is resin casting more prone to bubbles than other materials?

In: 35

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fun fact, other things like cast metal can have bubbles in them, you just can’t usually see them from the outside because they are not clear like resin.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yet another way to get the bubbles out is to use a vacuum chamber. They can be made or bought for around $100. You can put your mixed resin in the chamber before pouring and/or after it’s in the mold.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most casting is either done with resin or molten metal; and it happens that resins are “thicker” and have a harder time letting bubbles of gas filter up during solidification. Liquid metal has a “consistency” more similar to water than something like honey, which is what you see with resin. Metal castings also have to deal with dissolved gases, which is a big part of why cast objects have a reputation of being weaker than forged or machined metal objects – there are potentially gas bubbles in a cast object which can make it weaker. Casting is a process which is inherently poorly controlled, so issues like bubbles are something you need to spend a bunch of effort trying to combat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it’s thick/sets fairly quickly so when stirring vigorously you are adding in oxygen bubbles.

When I work with resin I tap tap tap tap to encourage the bubbles up to the surface, obviously can be difficult depending on the shape you are working with, but that’s the trick I was taught in school !