Short answer : it’s not. Ritalin ruins your brain, just slowlier.
In chemistry, similar aspect doesn’t mean it will have similar effect. I remember of a healing molecule that was synthetized upside down (mirrored) and the mirror image was highly toxic. It was the exact same molecule. Think of it as a house built upside down. It’s the same house but not usable and not even stable.
In this case, it isn’t even the same house. Ritalin has a garage, but no front door. And Ritalin’s pathway is dusty while Meth’s pathway is muddy. So everytime you get to Meth’s, you bring mud in the living room, unless you’re extremely careful. That’s why Meth is so dangerous. Ritalin on the other hand, you only bring dust, and mostly in the garage. But if you come everyday (and Ritalin is to be taken everyday) you’ll start dusting your house (=brain) for good.
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