The Burt Berkson protocol is an effective oral treatment for liver cirrhosis using alpha lipoic acid 600 mg, silymarin (milk thistle extract) 900 mg, and selenium 400 mcg, taken daily in divided doses.
I posted this to the Cirrhosis subreddit, and they banned me. A lot of people are invested in not finding a cure.
>!Don’t have much knowledge about the ELI5, but just wanted to chime in about alcohol abuse. My Wife recently underwent a full liver transplant due to alcoholic cirrohsis(2.5 weeks ago). Please if you know someone that abuses alcohol try to get them help. Liver failure is a terrible thing and I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy. Also, the whole process opened my mind to organ donation. The young person that passed so my Wife could have a second chance has blessed my family more than anyone could ever know. SPREAD LOVE!<
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