Why is sexual assault one of hardest crime to defend against yet one of the hardest to prosecute?


I work in the legal field and I have heard many times that it’s difficult to prosecute these cases, but it’s a different story when it comes with defense attorneys. Defense attorneys always say that it’s nearly impossible to win these kinds of cases. Why is it like that?

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17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve seen a lot of really accurate posts here but want to point out the political aspect of it as well. Lawyers don’t like to admit it, but they’re political. They’re not politicians, but they’re political tools. 99% of the time, they’re unwilling political tools… I think nonconsenting is a more appropriate term.

Any sexual assault case that can be twisted into a political narrative makes a lawyers’ job 1000 times harder – often on both sides. Which makes the entire case cost more as well (many lawyers will eat this cost for both selfish and not selfish reasons in this circumstance).

Courts are also often nonconsenting political tools so it makes it that much harder on the courts as well nexus any attention on the case requires more judge discretion and jury monitoring. This is why courts are very strict on many court details until after trial.

Pretty much any time a case gets public attention, it makes everything harder and with the Me Too movement (not disparaging) and other movements like it, a bunch of fake information gets spread around. Even though the trial is often entitling public information, nobody bothers reading the actual court findings, so court and lawyer reputations are on the line. Since journalists have no real obligations to fair and accurate journalism, and most peopledo not understand how evidence or risks work, it makes the problem much worse for everyone: victims, lawyers, and courts.

Keep in mind that people think hear-say and circumstantial evidence are never allowed in court thanks to TV.

So, people, if you’re being assaulted, resist just enough to get them to leave evidence (torn clothes, bruises, scratches, etc) and get to a hospital immediately afterward so police and hospitals can have immediate, controlled evidence for prosecution. District Attorneys love to win SA cases because it helps with reelection and the best way you can get them to prosecute is to have unquestionable evidence. Police also absolutely love to apprehend SA suspects for evidence collection. Literally all the powers will be on your side if you can get them the evidence they need for a win. And it’s even better for them if it’s somebody of power.

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