Why is sexual assault one of hardest crime to defend against yet one of the hardest to prosecute?


I work in the legal field and I have heard many times that it’s difficult to prosecute these cases, but it’s a different story when it comes with defense attorneys. Defense attorneys always say that it’s nearly impossible to win these kinds of cases. Why is it like that?

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17 Answers

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Unless you got video evidence its kind’ve difficult to prove it with absolute certainty. Someone saying it happened isn’t enough. Even a witness can be discredited if they are a friend of the person who is the victim because they could be in cahoots making up the story.

For guilty to be given, it must be “without doubt”, so even if the testimony is credible but there is lots of room to doubt you still can’t give a guilty verdict.

This makes most sexual crimes very difficult to persecute. They have the lowest rates of prosecution of all crimes. I would argue those accused are barely likely to even to even reach court and if they do often can easily defend it unless hard evidence exists which rarely does.

I don’t know if things are different in your country but thats the case here anyway.

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