Why is sleep quality so much better when exhausted?


Understand that being tired helps us fall asleep faster but why does it increase our sleep quality?

In: 966

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s no proper consensus on the stages of sleep so lets simplify it down to just three. Deep, REM and other.

Now picture a restaurant that serves Pasta (deep sleep) from 8-12 and Pizza (REM) from 12-6 and you love both.

You don’t often get there early enough but today you worked extra hard and got there with plenty of time. So you are extra hungry (aka tired) but you get to enjoy the Pasta way more before the Pizza comes.

If you get there after 12; you only get Pizza. So you still get full but you’re sort of unsatisfied.

Breadsticks (other sleep) are easy to come by all night but low on proper nutrients.

*I first used sushi, ramen miso for the analogy but decided on Italian. Appys for deep sleep doesnt work because they should both be treated as equal but different.

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