Why is sleep quality so much better when exhausted?


Understand that being tired helps us fall asleep faster but why does it increase our sleep quality?

In: 966

12 Answers

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I’m not entirely sure if this is a perfect comparison, but it’s like charging a phone from 0 to 100% instead of charging it from 75 to 100%. When a phone completely shuts down, it also goes through a reboot. After the phone turns back on and reaches 100% charge, it works much better because it has reloaded all its settings. The same goes for humans. If someone’s mind is preoccupied (with work, grand ideas, movies they’ve watched), their brain remains active and inhibits deeper relaxation. When a person is completely exhausted, they, like a phone, perform a “hard reset,” and in such cases, sleep quality improves because the person sleeps in a more balanced state with reduced mental activity. Our brain is an amazing device, but it also needs to “reboot” and rest

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