Why is so much of our history below the surface we live on today?


How has archeology a thing? Why is so much of our history found under the ground we reside today? Why do we have to dig down to find ancient towns? What happened?

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13 Answers

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There are generally two options for places:

* Wind and water remove more material than they add, the place gets eroded over time, ancient things are gone. This is a very common for mountains.
* Wind and water add more material than they remove, things tend to get buried over time, you have to dig to reach them. This tends to be more common in places where people live (or used to live), because often the same places are also nice for agriculture.

If humans actively maintain the place then you can stop these processes, that’s how you end up with 2000+ year old ruins on the surface – but that needs continuous interest in the buildings or what’s left of them after centuries.

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