Why is so much of our history below the surface we live on today?


How has archeology a thing? Why is so much of our history found under the ground we reside today? Why do we have to dig down to find ancient towns? What happened?

In: 12

13 Answers

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Wind carries sand from the Sahara all the way to Scandinavia. Rivers carry rock all the way from the top of a mountain to the ocean.

The world is constantly changing. If we don’t use/clean our streets, a layer of dust would be clear within weeks. Imagine what years and years and years of those thin layers would accomplish. What two millennia of sediment would do.

That’s the first part of it.

There’s also the fact that a lot of soil, specifically near the ocean, is soggy. There are artefacts from Roman legion buried beneath ground that was a swamp 2000 years ago. It sank back then, and the ground dried up.

Edit; and like others have pointed out, the stuff on the surface erodes leaving only the buried things. It’s the already buried stuff that gets buried deeper.

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