Why is South Africa dangerous?

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Edit: I mean what is the reason that it has so much crime? Hasn’t it become worse in the last several years? Why?

In: Other

12 Answers

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I read some comments about South Africa in a semi-related post a couple of weeks ago. Some of them blew my mind. This one dude was saying that he was on a business trip in South Africa. He and his co-worker were about to leave to go to work. The South African co-worker started taking off all of their jewelry before getting in the car and putting it in the glove box. They said that armed gangs would stop you and just rip it off of you. Once they got to work they entered through a locked garage and then through an entry gate with armed guards. They then put their jewelry back on and it was just business as usual.

Another person said that after leaving South Africa and moving to Europe, they couldn’t sleep without bars on the windows. A lot of the homes have the bedrooms down a hallway with a barred gate. If anyone breaks into the house they are unable to get into the bedroom area. They have free reign of the rest of the house though. Shit like that made me realize I don’t need to be going to South Africa anytime soon.

Edited for phone auto-correct

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