Why is South Africa so prominent compared to other African countries?


I know it is still an impoverished country but compared to other african countries it seems much more civilized and developed.

But even more than that it seems like it is much more culturally prominent than other african countries. I never hear about Ghana in casual conversation but I feel like I hear about South Africa more regularly. It has had major historical figures, movies have been set there, people want to travel there. It just seems like it is more out there than the rest of Africa.

In: Other

11 Answers

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One reason is it has a relatively big culturally western white population compared to other African countries. Lots of Europeans settled there in part cause it has a climate similar to Europe.

Plus a lot of those whites spoke English (and Afrikaans, the other “white” language is also closely related to English like Dutch and German). So Westerners paid more attention to it, and a lot more was written about South Africa in English than was written about most other African countries.

Also South Africa had gold and diamonds, so that attracted a lot of attention as well.