Why is space a vacuum ?

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Why is space a vacuum ?

In: Planetary Science

8 Answers

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There’s really no “why” here. The laws of physics are the way they are, stuff likes to be near other stuff and whatever space is left has very little stuff in it. If you go back to the big bang, there was stuff everywhere that was, that space expanded, and eventually it coalesced by the physics that exists into areas of denser matter, those sucked in other matter that resulted in localized concentrations of mass like Galaxies, Black Holes, Stars, Planets, a whole bunch of other “stuff” and what’s left? Well, empty space. That’s a vacuum.

In some sense, it’s the default if there’s no stuff there. That’s just kinda how the universe happened based on the physical laws it exists in.

If you need a “why” you can look to those physical laws or God or both depending on what you believe, but to quote Neil DeGrasse Tyson: “The universe has no obligation to make sense to you.” We just have to figure out how it works.

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