Why is the colour of our pee White to Yellow and not the colour of the drinks we digest for the day?


Why is the colour of our pee White to Yellow and not the colour of the drinks we digest for the day?

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6 Answers

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The digestive system doesn’t sort out all the liquids and send them to your bladder. #1 and #2 are different systems.

The main job of the kidney is to balance the ratio of water and salt in the blood. Cells need a certain level of saltiness or they will die. When you drink enough water, the kidneys remove some of that water to maintain balance. In the mornings when you haven’t drank for several hours, your blood is too salty and it needs to remove some to keep balance.

That blue Gatorade you drank is handled entirely by the digestive system. Solid bits like dye stay in the stool. Liquids make their way into the blood stream, and eventually get filtered out by the kidneys.

All of that water and salt ends up in the bladder, which is either clear or yellow depending on which one is more present.

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