Why is the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manaual of Statistical Disorders, Fifth Edition) criticized?


For those who know not, it is a compendium of psychiatric conditions that are reviewed with every edition with tthe latest edition being DSM-5 TR published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

In: 136

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Validity and reliability. The criteria for diagnoses are subjective and vague. Different professionals will make difference diagnoses based on the same criteria.

We aren’t even sure if what we are diagnosing is real and we can’t all agree on what constitutes those diagnoses anyway.

Basically the DSM is a compendium of current opinions by groups of people deemed appropriate. It changes significantly every few years based on everything from new research to changing politics and social mores.

It’s vaguely useful but it’s not valid nor reliable in the scientific sense.

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