I was looking at how our solar system works and see that essentially the curvature from space and gravity or, lack of creates the movement of our planetary systems. I couldn’t seem to make sense of the details of how space is similar to a fabric and can be shaped in some way.
The example used was the age old blanket with a bowling ball in the center creating a wide curvature leading to the edges of the blanket.
How is this possible but can’t be seen, nor does it cause friction?
In: 2411
Magnetic fields are invisible, too, but they can also be bent. One way to demonstrate that is by holding a compass close to an electrical circuit carrying charge. The needle of the compass will stop pointing north and realign with the wire so long as the power is turned on. It’s important to remember that when we talk about “fields”, “bonds”, and “the fabric of spacetime” those words don’t refer to material objects, they are analogies that describe how objects interact with each other
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