Why is the greenhouse effect only one way?


So what I’m reading is that these gas absorb the light from the sun and keeps it trapped on the earth.

What I don’t get is how is it letting the light and heat in from the sun in, but not the light and heat reflected from the Earth out? If it’s a barrier, shouldn’t it block both ways? If it’s not a barrier, how is it trapping the heat?

In: 950

42 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sun send light, slip through barrier.

Light make ground hot. Earth not mirror.

Air hot, air bigger, no slip through barrier

Basically the thing entering, isn’t the same as the thing trying to escape

Anonymous 0 Comments

Visible light comes in.

Light goes through carbon dioxide just fine. We can see the sun!

Visible light heats the ground.

Heated stuff puts off *infrared* light, not visible light. Weird, but okay.

Infrared light does not go through carbon dioxide.
