Why is the heart considered as a source of emotion?


When all decisions/emotions/attractions/thoughts etc. originate form the brain, why do people use “heart” in such contexts?

In: 1132

47 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Early medicine believed the brain didn’t really have any purposeful function, and then they theorised that it was kind of an air conditioning system for the body… they attributed different emotions to different organs because they had no clue what they did either…

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

When you are in love/euphoric stage and when you are truest heart broken, it’s deep in the chest

Anonymous 0 Comments

As an aside, the Japanese have a term— “Kokoro”— for that feeling that people in the west call their “heart”.

It more is explaining that tightness in the chest ones feels (usually around the organ is) when you have anxiety or deep sadness; it kind of roughly translates to “soul” or “inner self”.

Like it isn’t the organ itself; it isn’t like you’re having a heart attack or something. Unless the stress your under actually does cause a heart attack. Then that’s a whole other thing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Do they originate in the brain, or are they just concocted there with input from other parts of the body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Check out the stories of heart transplants changing the recipient’s personality to be more like the donor.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because when you feel; happy, angry, anxious, scared, loving etc, it’s the way you feel in your mind, but you can’t always say that’s what should be how you feel at that time. However, you can always tell that the rhythm of your heart matches any of those feelings.

Anonymous 0 Comments

what hasn’t been mentioned so far: near the heart is the solar plexus – the only mass of white nerve tissue outside of the brain

Anonymous 0 Comments

Best explanation I have:

The Egyptians thought that everything happened in the heart for some reason so it just kind of stuck.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s in the stomach. Emotional pain is in the gut. Where our emotions are heavily effected by our biome.