Why is the Median a thing? Why would someone need to find the Median of a data set?


I know it’s a common saying that statistics isn’t intuitive to humans. I’ve read my Taleb. *Intuitively*, I can see why one might need to find the mean (average) of a data set as well as the mode.

But where and why would someone need to find the Median? I’ve never calculated the median of a data set in daily life. On the other hand, I compute the mean of several values multiple times a week sometimes. I don’t calculate Modes that much, but I can see **why** someone would care about the most-occurring value.

Can someone explain the relevance of finding the Median? I’m sure there are plenty of useful applications and I’m just unaware of them.

Thanks in advance!

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14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Say you are sorting a list. You want to find the center of the list so you can break it into 2 lists, hello Median. You know if it greater than the median, it is the upper list, below in the lower list. You can then split them again, and again which is used in sorting operations.

It also lets you know if there is a skew. If you got a 100 from 1 to 100 samples and the median is 25, you know you got a crap ton of low values in that list. Or the median is 75, you got a lot of high values in that list.

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