why is the ocean salty, and how did it get that way?


why is the ocean salty, and how did it get that way?

In: 2228

21 Answers

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Imagine if every day, you put a handful of peanuts in your pocket, and run out into the back yard to play. As you played, the peanuts all fell out, and landed on the grass. At the end of the day, you go back inside, but the peanuts stay in the yard.

Now the first time, it’s no big deal. A couple of nuts mixed into the grass. But if you do that every day, a handful of peanuts at a time, getting added to the ones already out there, then eventually the yard would be *filled* with peanuts.

Water works in the same way. It picks up salts as it moves around, and collects in the ocean. When the water evaporates, it leaves the salt behind. Over time, all that water leaving all of that salt adds up to a salty ocean.