Why is the range on 5Ghz so poor compared to 2.4GHz?


Why is the range on 5Ghz so poor compared to 2.4GHz?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When your neighbor have a party you can hear the bass (low frequency) loud and clear but not so much for other sounds with higher frequency.

This is also somewhat true for electromagnetic waves. 5Ghz gets absorb and obstruct more easily compared to 2.4Ghz.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The easy answer is that higher frequency waves (the 5Ghz in this example) can’t pass through objects as well as lower frequency waves (the 2.4Ghz). They get reflected too easily when passing through something like drywall.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The higher your frequency, the lower your footprint (i.e., range). This is a fundamental truth of radio waves. It’s why your FM radio stations (VHF range) fade out a hell of a lot quicker than an AM radio station (MF range).