why is the teardrop the most aerodynamic shape? Would something with a more pointed nose not “slice” through the air more easily?


why is the teardrop the most aerodynamic shape? Would something with a more pointed nose not “slice” through the air more easily?

In: 20

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not, not even close. Why would you think that?

Rain doesn’t look like a teardrop either, it looks like one of those glass beads in mancala. Flat bottom and round top. This is due to water naturally wanting to form a sphere and air pushing up on that sphere as the rain falls.

The “teardrop” comes from our observation of dropping water. A bubble of water will form, but tension from the attached source is holding it up until the weight of the water over powers the force. The water does not have time to form it’s terminal velocity shape, as the water on the bottom doesn’t have the time/force required to flatten, and the tail of water connecting to the source doesn’t have time to pull itself into the sphere.

With enough time/distance, the tear drop would reform.

I’m not sure what the most aerodynamic shape possible is, I think one of them is a tungsten spike with fins to direct falling and allow for a spiral descent, creating a continuous low pressure zone around the spike.

The problem becomes “what is the most aerodynamic shape that fits the volume I need to complete this task.

You also have to take into consideration steering, stability, and thrust.

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