The people who took over the land that is known known as the US set the whole system up for extracting as much money as possible from the people who worked for them. Sometimes paying them 0.00 (Slaves). If they could not get away with paying people literally nothing they paid them very much under what was needed to survive. This made a set of people alot of money. They could then get certain political favors ie let’s go kill nicaraguans and take over their banana plantations. Coincidentally the same thing was being done by alot of other states. In every country there was people who were against this concentration of wealth. It just so happens the US did imperialism the best and basically became a hyper power. Now why would the people who literally built that whole system of exploitation suddenly over value the currency of other countries. The point is literally to pay them as little as possible and I’m sure there are plenty of people who would be willing to go back to paying their workers 0.00 if it meant they got immensely rich.
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