Why is there five different oceans if it is a single big water body?


First of all, i have tried finding answers on internet and too using google. But either everyone is talking about measuring sea levels and the acceptance of fifth ocean or i am not using correct keywords.

**My question is** if ocean is a single water body, then why it is divided into 5. What’s the basis of division? Does two different seas have difference in water? Because i have seen a photo some years ago about 2 Ocean meeting but not dissolving. Is that thing real?


In: 43

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Tradition. It’s the same with continents: there are geological reasons to separate the continents and political ones and none of these really correspond to what we call them.

There is one ocean

Edit: lots of stuff in the natural world is like this: we try to categorize and understand nature using our tiny monkey brains, but it’s always more complicated and interesting than we can really easily compartmentalize. Nature is under no obligation to be casually comprehensible. [Check out this video about the concept of “species”, for example.](https://youtu.be/tduwq0I4lYw) (Best YouTuber currently operating, IMHO.)

“nature is not only odder than we think, but odder than we can think.” – J.B.S. Haldane

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