Why is there five different oceans if it is a single big water body?


First of all, i have tried finding answers on internet and too using google. But either everyone is talking about measuring sea levels and the acceptance of fifth ocean or i am not using correct keywords.

**My question is** if ocean is a single water body, then why it is divided into 5. What’s the basis of division? Does two different seas have difference in water? Because i have seen a photo some years ago about 2 Ocean meeting but not dissolving. Is that thing real?


In: 43

9 Answers

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The earth is a big place and there’s a whole lot of water on it. The oceans are actually quite different from each other despite all being connected. The weather patterns, plants, animals, and chemical properties all vary significantly just like how it does on land. The Indian ocean is subjected to the Asian monsoon weather patterns for example which is a whole lot different than what you’d expect in the Artic ocean. The artic will also have a different salinity due to the fresh water ice that is melting.

It’s no different than how land masses can have different biomes over distances too. The US has deserts, mountains, prairies, forests, swamp, etc but it’s all one land mass. Just cus it’s connected doesn’t mean it can’t vary enough to warrant a different name.

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