Why is there no diagnostic test for Endometriosis?


Medicine has advanced so much, why is surgery still the only way to diagnose this disease that, according to the WHO, affects 10% of women and girls globally.

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12 Answers

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Endo sufferer here. I got so sick of doctors trying to put me on the pill since I was a teen. It NEVER helped. Made my period a day or so shorter, but they were still heavy and painful. Had the exploratory surgery where they cleared out some of the excess tissue in my early 20s. It helped for a few months. I saw a new dr in my early 30s and told her about my experiences and that I had no interest of going on the pill. She told me she wanted to help and would get back to me. She called me a few weeks later and suggested Mirena. It helped so much after just a few months, I felt like doing commercials for it. After I finished having kids (38- 44, just putting it out there since I was warned since 15 that I might not be able to get pregnant at all. Had ZERO issues and needed no assistance) I got another one which took less than a few cycles to completely alleviate my terrible symptoms. PLEASE, do yourself a favor if it is a good option for you and try Mirena. I’m eternally grateful to the doctor that cared enough to want to improve my life, did the research, and suggested this because it changed my life. I moved and had to get a new doctor at a large practice, some better than others. One actually told me Mirena shouldn’t help endometriosis for these few reasons. Well, I’m sorry. I’m living proof and I’ve talked to a few other people in the same boat as me. Doctors don’t know everything and others are fantastic.

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