Why is there no diagnostic test for Endometriosis?


Medicine has advanced so much, why is surgery still the only way to diagnose this disease that, according to the WHO, affects 10% of women and girls globally.

In: 335

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are smart folks working on this problem.

[Non-invasive tests to provide quicker diagnosis of endometriosis](https://ec.europa.eu/research-and-innovation/en/horizon-magazine/non-invasive-tests-provide-quicker-diagnosis-endometriosis)

[New imaging study could make diagnosing endometriosis quicker, more accurate and reduce the need for invasive surgery.](https://www.wrh.ox.ac.uk/news/new-imaging-study-could-make-diagnosing-endometriosis-quicker-more-accurate-and-reduce-the-need-for-invasive-surgery)

And many others:


It take a lot of work to safely develop and release a new accurate test and even longer for it to be adopted. But on teh positive side the market for such a test would be huge, so the R&D budgets will be ther to investigate new proposals.

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