Why is there other plastic packaging inside of food packaging?


Why is there other plastic packaging inside of food packaging?

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It’s honestly depends on what food are you talking about, but for general purposes, we can focus on two things: Cost and possible reactions.

Depending on what type of food are you talking about, it’s possible that the food will react will some types of plastic, by for exemple, degrading it. That will, most probably, spoil the food and make it uneadible. So what’s the solution? Cover the inner part, the one in contact with the food, with a material that will not react with it.

By why don’t just make the whole packeage of this material?

Usually, cost. The material might be to costly and the outside might not be that “pretty” for someone that will buy it, so you cover in a cheaper material that you can easily put a cool logo or brand on it.

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