Why is there still a lot of unsolved math problems, despite having really advanced computers?


Why is there still a lot of unsolved math problems, despite having really advanced computers?

In: 35

16 Answers

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These unsolved problems aren’t “find the solution to this equation” but more “we’ve noticed that all numbers that share this one property also seem to share another property, is this always true or have we just not yet found exceptions” or “no numbers seem to satisfy this specific behavior/property, is there actually no number that does this or have we just not checked the right one yet”.

You *can* solve these via brute forcing them if you find an exception that disproves it. [Eg one of the shortest math papers ever published was a *dis*proof.](https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*uXaMFryQq43U5ZOjvQPs8g.jpeg) but to prove these true you need to find a way to demonstrate the fundamental behavior of the mathematics behind it, something computers aren’t great at.

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