Why is there such a pronounced difference in how the military treats officers vs enlisted people? This even extends to how they are treated when a POW, as seen in Bridge Over River Kwai.


I *completely* understand that there needs to be a hierarchy, but there seems to be a big discontinuity between these different classifications. When I was in the Navy, I noticed this extended to eating accommodations, and even how ships were built (different hallways for enlisted and officers to walk down). This may have made sense “back in the day”, but why does this separation continue to exist today?

In: 222

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Politics. The military is very political. The higher you rank up there the note political it gets as well. Military is also not logic based. It’s tradition based. People will literally stand in front of a gym for over an hour just standing there instead of going and getting the job done already.

They also may equate rank to maturity even if it doesn’t make “logical” sense. You can’t make the mistake of the military being logical. The government in general will spend billions in things that actually van hurt more than help and on old hardware and tech in general in many cases. If you want change someone’s career can be over before you would be able to see anything at all.

It isn’t just officer and enlisted, but enlisted higher ranks etc. too. They don’t want a E-5 hanging with a E-2 even if they are the same age and maturity and it doesn’t even matter officer or enlisted if you even have completely different jobs and fields and would never work together in a chain likely ever. It’s tradition and part of joining I’d to give up a part of adulthood. If you want complete freedom you need to be a civilian. If you join you give thar up.

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