Why is there such a pronounced difference in how the military treats officers vs enlisted people? This even extends to how they are treated when a POW, as seen in Bridge Over River Kwai.


I *completely* understand that there needs to be a hierarchy, but there seems to be a big discontinuity between these different classifications. When I was in the Navy, I noticed this extended to eating accommodations, and even how ships were built (different hallways for enlisted and officers to walk down). This may have made sense “back in the day”, but why does this separation continue to exist today?

In: 222

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The Navy is worse than all of the other services as far as the treatment of enlisted vs senior NCOs vs Officers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Can any military guys explain what happens when you are on your “off days” at home and where to like meet one of your superiors at the grocery store? Do you still treat them as your superiors? What if you retire and meet those guys or they end up as your neighbor?

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is extremely simple. The explanation is the same as any other “why are these people treated better than those people question”…wealth

Anonymous 0 Comments

Officers are given preference because they are more highly educated than the enlisted within their service. Also, treating an officer with disrespect can and often does incite the enlisted to not give a damn.

There is a statement, Rank has it’s privileges. Officers are individuals with a college education when entering the service or have been selected to be trained to be an officer within the military. This means that they have a greater trust of the commanding officers.

The enlisted are the worker ants of the military. They do the hard labor, such as repairs, maintenance, defense and upkeep. Sergeants, also called non-comitioned officers (NCO’s) are the enlisted that take the orders from officers and make sure they are followed and completed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I understand the split when it comes to favoritism. What I do not understand is the difference in food at the chow hall. Especially on ship. Enlisted get chicken while officers get steak.