Why is using the Cloud referred to as going ‘serverless’ when the companies offering Cloud services are STILL using servers?

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Why is using the Cloud referred to as going ‘serverless’ when the companies offering Cloud services are STILL using servers?

In: Technology

12 Answers

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It’s kind of like food delivery. When you had a server, it’s like you cooked every meal by yourself, you had to buy ingredients, cool them, eventually you have a meal. Cloud is like delivery, you just order and everything is taken care of and you get your meal all prepared. You don’t have to think of cooking or buying ingredients. 

There is a concept called “abstraction” 

What this means is complex stuff gets simplified. For example if I say 2+2=4 you can ask “but why” and then we get into some complicated maths to prove it. All you really ned to know is 2+2=4.

Same with cloud. In the old days, you used to have a server (a physical machine) that would have your website (or Whatever) bit you would have to go and restart it if it fucked up. Or you would have to do upgrades. Or of you got a lot of traffic you’d have to buy more RAM and install it, or get a bigger hard drive. 

The cloud is basically someone (like google or Amazon or Microsoft… There are many) who have bought a whole bunch of servers, and written a whole bunch of clever software to manage all this. 

So you can put up your website and if it has 1 visitor or 1 million visitors you don’t care because the clever software can handle all this stuff and spread it around multiple servers. You don’t even know it’s happening. There is a lot of complicated stuff happening behind the scenes. 

So “cloud” just means all the stuff that you used to do (servers) is now part of a vast network of servers and infrastructure that is coordinated by some.imcredibly complex software that allows you to not care about servers, just like you don’t care who or how your burger was prepared and cooked before the delivery guy gave it to you.

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