Why is water hydrating when consumed but drying when it touches our skin?


Why is water hydrating when consumed but drying when it touches our skin?

In: 3

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because your skin has lipids(essentially oils) that help to lock in moisture, but long exposure to water removes these lipids that are supposed to retain moisture so it causes the moisture to escape from your skin.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It could dissolve covering body fats which are essential for skin health. Normally you have enough body fats extracted. But with aging you loose that function steadly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your insides are lubricated with water, but your outsides are lubricated with oil. Wash that oil away and your skin will dry up.

Edit: typo

Anonymous 0 Comments

Oil on your skin are there to make your skin waterproof so water inside you does not evaporate through your skin. That’s why aggresive soap makes your hands dry