When I step out of the shower onto the tile floor, the water almost acts like a lubricant and makes slipping really easy, but if you walk with wet feet in grass or sand, a ton of debris will cling to your feet. Why does the sand/dirt/grass grab onto my wet feet, but my wet feet don’t grab onto the ground?
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The tile floor is most likely as close to nonporous as you can get so your wet feet slip … Dirt, sand, grass and debris is likely drier than your wet feet and porous so it (pores) act like tiny suction cups filling some with water and leaving just enough air to create the suction (you can step in a muddy puddle and if the water to mud ratio is right your feet won’t come out muddy though it may rest on top of your foot but not the bottom. You also would notice that you have better traction (an easier time “sticking” to wet pavement) than dry. It may not be much more comfortable depending on how much debris/pebbles etc is also on the pavement because They will stick to the bottom of your feet and unless you’re used to it for some reason, that Hurts like hell…. And if your feet had been wet for long enough it could make the divots created by said pebbles much deeper and prone to creating cuts and infection (even getting”lost” in your oversaturated with water skin as it goes back to normal. Dry feet that would pop the pebbles out more quickly (and allow for a more comfortable walking/running experience) you’d slip more easily because there’s a dry layer between you and the pavement and you’d be scratched/cut by it more quickly. Basically you turn into a sponge. That’s the best I can do for an answer, hope it helps
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