Why is webcam video grainier and fuzzier when the room is dark?


Why is webcam video grainier and fuzzier when the room is dark?

In: 4

12 Answers

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All camera sensors will have “noise”. Basically false positives. The camera is “detecting” light where there is none.

When it’s bright, the actual light being detected can easily overpower that noise so you can’t notice it. But when it’s dark, the actual light can’t overpower the noise as easily. Plus, the software will artificially brighten the image so you can see what little light there is, which also brightens the noise.

Webcams are often cheaper and need to do processing on the fly because they’re often used in live settings. So their sensors aren’t all that great and they can’t have a ton of processing in order to avoid lag. The noise can be reduced with a better sensor, and/or with more time for better processing.

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