Why can’t a campaign run mostly off of social media? It’s free (maybe $8/month) to post something that millions will see. Even if your audience doesn’t have that platform someone, even your campaign staff, will eventually repost to every platform for you for free. The tv news will usually mention a tweet or post that a political candidate says so again that’s free advertising. What am I missing?
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That’s exactly how Trump won the election, by leveraging the might of social media. Republicans more broadly have done a great job utilizing social media for campaigning and ideological alignment. Reposting details of the Rittenhouse Trial, for example, got him way more support than he’d have ever received through traditional media alone.
Democrats, however, have a consistent issue with being behind the eight ball on such things because their internal structure gives disproportionate power to party stalwarts. Still, the influx of young voters is bringing them up to speed.
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