Why isn’t there a machine capable of crocheting, when so many machines can knit?


Why isn’t there a machine capable of crocheting, when so many machines can knit?

In: 1479

17 Answers

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There ARE machines capable of crocheting. They’re just uncommon. The fabric resulting from most crochet type stiches varies in thickness and difficult to sew into clothing. Knit fabric is friendlier to more clothing applications and fabric weights. Its easier for humans to use crochet to make round shapes, three dimensional shapes, and highly textured fabrics. The manipulation required to do that is easy for humans, but its a lot for a machine to do. A knitting machine you can have a row of hooks all doing the same exact movement thousands of times in a day while the resulting fabric gets carried away and onto a roll. So much simpler.

There’s also a huge difference in demand for fabric made with crochet and knit. How amnu people want to run in crocheted socks? Or wear a crocheted bra to work? And could you even make a waterproof crocheted garment? it would be a waste of time even to try it when the same thing is so much easier with knits or a nonwoven fabrics. They’re not just easier to produce, knit fabrics just seem to be more practical for everyday needs.

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