Why isn’t there a machine capable of crocheting, when so many machines can knit?


Why isn’t there a machine capable of crocheting, when so many machines can knit?

In: 1479

17 Answers

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Crochet needs more directions of motion than are really practical.

A good way to explain how much more complicated it is would be to look at milling equipment. a basic drill has no axis of movement–you do all the movement yourself. A drill press has one axis o movement–up and down. A mill has three axes of movement–vertical, side to side, and forward and back. Fancy CNC mills might have 2 axes of movement for the part and up to 3 for the head. I’ve never heard of a 6-axis milling machine, but it might exist.

A crochet machine needs 9 axes of movement. a knitting machine needs 4 and makes better fabric. there are ‘crochet machines’ but they’re basically one-stitch wonders that are essentially knitting machines with an extra axis of motion.

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