Why isn’t there a universal sign language?

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Why isn’t there a universal sign language? One that everyone around the world could learn so that they would be understood no matter where they lived, or travelled to? Who decided it was a better idea to have more than one?

In: Other

25 Answers

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Because every timesomeone would try it didn’t replace the one people knew, it would just add another one to the options.

relevant: [https://xkcd.com/927/](https://xkcd.com/927/)

Also mute people might not be deaf and they would learn their natural language from listening to other people without sign language, taking over tose idosynchrasies, making learning a “universal” sign language instead of one that leans into their language even more difficult.

Also, see what happened to Esperanto, an artificial language meant to relace all other laguages when abroad. Didn’t catch on and the people who studied it kind of wasted their time.

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