: Why isn’t there an Universal Sign Language?


: Why isn’t there an Universal Sign Language?

In: 132

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

How colonial – every language has developed the way it has due to the uniqueness of cultures and geographies and how they evolve. Just as why there’s no universal spoken and written language, deaf people in one culture wouldn’t communicate the same way as deaf people from another.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Language and culture go hand in hand. The rules of the language often reflect the rules of the culture. Remove the culture and you remove the understanding.

English is currently the closest thing we have to an international language and that’s still only 15% of the world population. Many of which aren’t fluent because it is simply not needed in everyday life.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think it’s different ways of speaking with the spoken word, like how in American English, we use the term “jumper cables”, in British English, it’s usually “jump leads”, and in French, it’s “battery conectuer”