Why isn’t there faster alternatives to braces?


Why can’t they just surgically uproot your teeth and glue them back in the correct places? I get that there are rubber band like ligaments, but why can’t they take them out and bend them the right way and put them back (or something)?


Edit: you can’t edit post titles for some reason, so: Why ~~isn’t~~ aren’t there faster alternatives to braces?

In: 3

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are faster alternatives, but braces are mainly used because it’s the best way for your body to adapt to the change. You have a lot of musculature around your mouth and teeth. With braces you need to displace this “balance” that your body has created to make your teeth align better. This all takes a lot of time. Your body likes where things were to begin with, so changing it just takes time

Note: I am not a dentist or orthodontist

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