Why isn’t there faster alternatives to braces?


Why can’t they just surgically uproot your teeth and glue them back in the correct places? I get that there are rubber band like ligaments, but why can’t they take them out and bend them the right way and put them back (or something)?


Edit: you can’t edit post titles for some reason, so: Why ~~isn’t~~ aren’t there faster alternatives to braces?

In: 3

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not a dentist so listen to one of them if they get you an answer, but let’s just assume they “could” just surgically go in and rearrange everything (I doubt it, but hey it’s a hypothetical). Why would you do something so invasive and intensive when there is a perfectly good low impact solution already available.

An overblown example to get the idea across would be ” why give someone cholesterol meds when you can just transplant a new heart”

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