Why, Life safety equipments need ” hard wired” connections only, than “internet of things” connectivity in this chatgpt era?


Why, Life safety equipments need ” hard wired” connections only, than “internet of things” connectivity in this chatgpt era?

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6 Answers

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Because if it loses connection people die

WiFi reliability has increased but is still not even 99%. 1% down time on life safety equipment is absolutely unacceptable

Especially because it doesn’t matter when everything is going well. It only matters when shit hits the fan and all connectivity starts dropping off. Wired connections will function until physically disconnected.

Consumer use will accept 99% reliability, safety will not. 1% failure rates are completely unacceptable in a safety situation.

Odds of Wireless connection failure at even 99.9% reliability? 1000 in a million

Odds of getting hit by lightning? 3 in a million

Odds of being in a plane crash 0.09 per million

You wouldn’t want to be using anything meant for consumers for safety purposes without triple or quadruple redundancy

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