why lizards can regenerate their tails and starfish their whole body. But we can’t regenerate our limbs.


why lizards can regenerate their tails and starfish their whole body. But we can’t regenerate our limbs.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Our limbs are much more complicated structures compared a to lizard’s tail or starfish’s body, also in a wild environment full loss of a limb would have a high likely-hood of resulting in death meaning there’s no environmental pressure to encourage limb regeneration.

Edit: Words

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not an answer but something worth knowing: Under certain circumstances we CAN grow back parts.

Examplary article: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2013/06/10/190385484/chopped-how-amputated-fingertips-sometimes-grow-back