Why Magnets don’t equal Infinite Energy


Why we can’t attach some magnets onto a turbine and set them up to repel each other, causing the turbine to spin and producing energy.

Is it just not efficient? Or is there something else at play that would prevent this from working?

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11 Answers

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Lets say you making your spinner. What will happen is the turbine will lock up at exactly the halfway point.

When a magnet pushes something away it cant force it “into” another equally powerful magnet. If the other magnet is stronger or weaker that halfway point will be farther or closer but eventually the forces will be equal and then the thing moving will stop.

Electromagnets work by flipping on and off so you arent pushing one into the other so much as you are reconfiguring the whole environment but the energy required to go on and off is net less than the amount of force the magnet produces so it is a loss.

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